

원래 가격: $100.00.현재 가격: $89.00.

SKU: Endurmax 카테고리:


EndurMax – Maximize Your Control, ….60 caps.
신개념 사정지연제 인더맥스(EndurMax)는 냄새나는 칙칙이, 파트너의 눈치를 보며 사용하던 발기크림으로 부터의 해방은 물론, 근본적으로 체질을 개선하여 스스로 사정능력을 조절할 수 있도록 개발된 신제품입니다.
조기사정 억제, 클라이막스 지연
자연적인 성적희열 지속 증대, 불감증해소

하루 1~2캡슐 복용.
아침, 저녁 식후 1캡슐을 복용합니다.
인더맥스(EndurMax)는 한 달 60캡슐 복용으로 충분합니다.
The ability to control and delay ejaculation depends upon the parasympathetic nerves and chemical messengers that respond to sexual impulses – the highest concentration of these nerves are centered within the lumbar region of the lower back. Damaged, weak, or overworked nerves are the most common cause for ejaculating prematurely.

Taking EndurMax increases and repairs the cellular activity of these sexual nerves as well as the exchange of hormones and nutrients around the genitals.

Increases Sexual Endurance
Stop Premature Ejaculation and Delay Climax
Reduce Performance Anxiety
Increase the Body’s Natural Ability to Enjoy and Prolong Pleasure

Thermal imaging proves it works
These thermal images of patients are used to measure the metabolic activity of cells and nerves. Low activity will be in blue, showing very little chemical conversion and stimulation. High activity will have a brighter and redder image, revealing the heat that is given off from the chemical and metabolic reactions between cells and nerve tissues.

인더맥스(EndurMax) 복용과 체질변화 모습

Stage 1: Without Endurmax(복용전)

This patient has a very difficult time controlling and delaying ejaculation. From this diagram, you can see that the cellular activity around the groin area, the lower back, and the region between the two are low and insignificant. The organs of the body also have a low metabolic rate.


Stage 2: After 10 days of taking EndurMax(복용 10일후)
As you can see, the blood flow and cellular activity (shown in red) of the body has increased, especially to the genital area and the sexual nerves leading from the lower back to the penis – which are responsible for ejaculation control. The patient now experiences fuller erections and ejaculation control has improved.


Stage 3: After 20 days of taking EndurMax(복용 20일후)
Cellular metabolism has significantly increased throughout the whole body (shown in red). The hormones to sustain a firm erection and control ejaculation are finally flowing to the sexual organs and nerves.


Stage 4: After 30 days of taking EndurMax(복용 30일후)
Blood flow and cellular metabolism is now almost back to normal. The sexual nerves leading from the lower back to the genitals have been repaired. The organs of the body have been rejuvenated to provide more nutrients and hormones to the body. The patient’s ability to control and delay ejaculation have dramatically improved.